<!--created by util.you.com@gmail.com search--> <selectid="search"parameterType="java.util.Map"resultMap="reFundList"> SELECT csr.id, csr.strategy_name, csr.remark, csr.`status`, sut.username, DATE_FORMAT(IFNULL(csr.insert_time, ''), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') AS insert_time FROM `CL_STRATEGY_REFUND` AS csr LEFT JOIN `SYS_USER_TBL` AS sut ON sut.user_id = csr.insert_user_id WHERE csr.`status` = 1 <iftest="strategyName != null and strategyName != ''"> AND csr.strategy_name LIKE CONCAT('%',#{strategyName}, '%') </if> ORDER BY csr.id DESC <iftest="offset != null and limit != null"> limit #{offset}, #{limit} </if> ; </select>
<!--created by util.you.com@gmail.com search--> <selectid="selectReFundInfo"parameterType="java.lang.Integer"resultType="java.util.Map"> select csrr.id, csrr.strategy_id, csrr.time_limit, csrr.fee_type, csrr.fee_value from `CL_STRATEGY_REFUND_REL` as csrr where csrr.`status` = 1 and csrr.strategy_id = #{id} </select>